Sydney Metro secure future reliability of transport network
With the development of Australia’s largest public transportation project, Sydney Metro discovered that road works and construction above and around their networks could have a dramatic impact to their assets and the safety of those working around them or travelling on the network. Upon signing up to the national Dial Before You Dig (DBYD) service it faced the challenge of manually responding to incoming enquiries for asset location information.
Sydney Metro opted for PelicanCorp’s all-inclusive TicketAccess automation solution to ensure that its various underground assets were being protected efficiently. The TicketAccess solution provides an automatic response to the increasing number of DBYD enquiries that Sydney Metro receive, within their expanding area of interest.
By revolutionising and redefining the processes for the asset protection of the largest growing transportation network in Australia, Sydney Metro were able to achieve greater efficiencies in its workflow and eliminate any manual response efforts through automation with PelicanCorp’s TicketAccess. TicketAccess has allowed Sydney Metro to focus on DBYD enquiries that require further consideration and offset any potential cost increase from resourcing.