GasNet Ltd NZ automate to combat extremely demanding response times
GasNet Limited is responsible for providing a range of natural gas network and metering services in the Whanganui, Rangitikei and outlying regions of the North Island in New Zealand. A relatively small player in the context of the total New Zealand market, their network business encompasses the management and operation of network infrastructure assets comprising approximately 400km of mains and 13,000 service pipes.
Becoming a member of the beforeUdig service and automating responses via PelicanCorp’s TicketAccess hosted solution has enabled GasNet to free up human resources previously committed to manually providing plans of its asset information. By adopting the automated TicketAccess solution GasNet is able to maintain the high quality of information provided to contractors and other persons working around its assets, whilst eliminating its dependency on staff to process asset information requests within what are often extremely demanding response timeframes.
As Neville Edwards, Asset Information Services Manager said:“GasNet was excited with the prospect of having its plan responses automated and the delivered product has not disappointed. PelicanCorp managed the transition professionally and has worked with GasNet to achieve an outcome that provides significant benefits in the provision of its asset information and in freeing up people resources that would be otherwise engaged answering and responding to enquiries.”