Rotorua Lakes Council improve accessibility of information
As long-time members of beforeUdig Rotorua Lakes Council were challenged with a manually laborious response process to its incoming enquiries, tasked with supplying multiple sets of plans to provide asset information. The time consuming process required dedicated staff attention to ensure responses went out in a reasonably accepted timeframe.
Rotorua adopted an automated process with the use of PelicanCorp’s TicketAccess solution to efficiently deliver and maintain consistent detailed information to those conducting works near their underground assets, focussing on dependable service delivery and the avoidance of contractor damage.
By transforming and automating the response to beforeUdig enquiries TicketAccess has successfully eliminated the manual processes for Rotorua. By delivering a single asset plan pack within minutes, Rotorua have achieved improved accessibility to council information and ensuring a safer work environment. In addition, Rotorua have also incorporated a second line of defence in ensuring the safety of those working within areas where geothermal activity is present.