The City of Mount Gambier redefine and automate DBYD responses
The City of Mount Gambier serves as the major centre for the South Australian Limestone Coast, and provide Dial Before You Dig (DBYD) enquiry responses for the protection of assets that service a population of approximately 27,000 within the council area. After manually managing 1,200+ DBYD enquiry responses per annum for the past 12 years; the City of Mount Gambier have opted to go live with PelicanCorp’s hosted TicketAccess Starter solution. By choosing the fully managed automation service, it has provided the team at the City of Mount Gambier the ability to virtually eliminate manual effort required by staff and ensured a dedicated focus on asset protection moving into the future.
The City of Mount Gambier have also opted to include a ‘Reinstatement Guide’ with all responses to assist with targeting their requirements for works within public roads and footpaths - This guide includes hyperlinks to associated resources on their website.
PelicanCorp have worked with the city to implement a spatial layer, which will identify and attach CAD-generated PDF’s. The additional online TicketAccess ViewerPortal also enables their team to query historical referral details and access response documentation. Through these changes, the City of Mount Gambier now have a complete and efficient process for their DBYD responses.
Sinaway Georgiou, Engineering Technical Officer at City of Mount Gambier said “Working with PelicanCorp in order to transition from manual responses to an automated model was conducted in a very professional manner from start to finish. Council was well informed throughout the whole process with particular emphasis in the way variations to the initial model were handled whilst keeping to the timeframes allocated for the project”.
Sinaway also added that ”since inception the amount of referrals from customers had grown substantially as customers became more aware of the DBYD service. The process of manually performing customer requests had become an inefficient way for Council to get the correct information to the end user. As a result, The City of Mount Gambier engaged PelicanCorp to automate its referrals allowing our customers to receive their plans in a more timely fashion. As a result of these efficiencies, it has allowed Council to reallocate staff resources into other areas such as customer service and system data upgrades”.